Sunday, October 13, 2013

Exercise Nine

Photo Gallery :
------For the photo gallery part of this assignment, I choose to do the piece on a Tumblr blog that I follow. Like Lore Love is the name of the website and it shows pictures of places, buildings, rooms, just architecture. I love looking at pictures like these because it makes me curious as to what my life will be like in the future and where I will live and what my home will look like. I think it is cool to look at these pictures and to see how other people live. What they have done to create their dream homes. It loos unrealistic and perfect. It makes me want to go to these places of the photos and just stand where the picture was taken and marvel at the perfection and beauty of it. I really do not think the creator(s) of this site should change anything. 

Slideshow 1:
------For the first slideshow I looked on the website Vimeo, and looked up wedding slideshows, because those are always the best slideshows, in my opinion, to watch. They should portrait the relationship of the couple getting married and at the same time want people to look at the pictures of their wonderful, magical day. This one is Tess and Ed
 slideshow. I really have nothing bad to say about it. It was a mixture between black and white pictures and colored pictures. The music worked well. I actually wish I had been at this wedding because of what I had seen. I think that maybe they could have taken some video clips and added them to the slideshow but otherwise it was wonderful the way it is.

Slideshow 2:

------For the second slideshow I chose to do it on prom hairstyle pictures. It had no audio but next to the pictures are captions tell what kind of hairstyle it is. Love to Know Makeup is a site that has different things in it. I think there could have been a lot more options and pictures in this slideshow, and a better background as well as better dresses on the models. 

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