Monday, September 30, 2013

Exercise seven

I think NewsLINC is very useful. I don't use it much right now, but after looking at it more I have seen it can be helpful in all of my classes. I think it should get a better look, bolder colors. It just seems a little dull right now.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Exercise Six (Recording)


Julia Rose
            For our podcast, Yolanda and I decided to choose a topic that would give a lot of people time to think and give good answers. Plus we wanted a topic that people would actually want to listen to. We chose the topic what is people’s favorite things to do in the fall and if they could give us a story about a past event they have done in the fall. We both interviewed separate people we knew and asked them what they like to do in the fall and recorded them. I asked two people, my sister Laura and my brother Robert. I thought it would be a good idea to use those two people because they are not from this state so it would give more of diversity in answers. I also asked interviewed them because my sister is 16, and my brother is 13. Those are two different ages that you will not find on campus. They are younger too so my thought was it may give us different answers than what we would get from college students. When I interviewed them I did get different answers, answers that I wanted and were distinct to their age group. My brother gave me a typical 13 year old answer which was getting candy at Halloween.

Yolanda Liang
Fall is a step between summer and winter. Fall lasts for almost three month, which is from September to November. It can be a mixed season with very warm days along with cooler days. Especially for some areas, it is an amazing season when the leaves turn magnificent colors. During these months, most people have lots of things to do, such as climbing, boating, travelling, and carving pumpkins. Also, there are several breaks and festivals during the fall, like fall break, Halloween, and Thanksgiving.
Julia and I created this Podcast, which was for the students who wanted to share their stories. We interviewed some students from Lyndon State College, some of them are Vermonters, and some of them are international students. From their descriptions, fall is not only for people to enjoy the beautiful scenery, but also for them to experience various interesting and energetic activities.
I love travelling in fall because of the mild-mannered weather. I went to Boston, New York City and Burlington, VT during fall break. During the Thanksgiving break, I went south to Montgomery, AL, and Atlanta. Experiencing the world and culture is my favorite thing to do in fall foliage season. 
Na Zhan, a senior major in Education, said that she had the craziest experience during fall break. Sarah Chen, a sophomore major in Business, talked about her experience in both America and China. She wanted to go boating with her American friends in Vermont. She also has a good memory of climbing mountains with her family back in China.

What’s more, an American twin sister, named Tabi and Tela, also have their favorite things to do during the fall foliage season. Both of them are from Vermont so they know that Vermont is positioned as the gold standard when it comes to fall leaves. Tabi talks about her favorite thing to do, which is pumpkin festival in King New Hampshire. Tela talks about pumpkin carving as well. She also shared a story with us about the leaves fights with her siblings.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Exercise Five

For our podcast, Yolanda and I are talking about what people like to do in the fall. We are interviewing two people each. We may not use all of the four extra people but we are having extra people just in case we need them. We will also talk about what we ourselves like to do in the fall.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Exercise Four

Podcast Critique Assignment

1. ICTV: Cheerleading. For my first podcast I watched one about cheerleading, sticking with my blog name. It was a really good podcast to start with. It shows some tumbling skills and some stunting skills which were pretty cool to witness. I liked how it was not just something to listen to but something to watch, something that gave inspiration and makes me want to try each knew technique even though I haven't cheered in over a year. What  I didn't like was that there was only one of it. There was no follow up podcast. Which makes me think if it was popular with other people. It did have a full bar of likes but it makes me confused as to why there are not more like it. If there were more of it  I would definitely watch more. And it is one that I would put on my IPhone to watch and to try and do myself, but as I said I haven't cheered in over a year so they would be hard to do.

2. Our Voice Now-Humanity's Team-Co-Creator Network: Is Cheerleading A Competitive Sport: Listening to this podcast it sounds more like a radio station. It was pretty interesting to listen to. This one girl, Sarah, is the host of the show. She interviewed a girl names Emily about cheerleading. I loved listen to Emily talk about cheerleading, because she talks the way I talked when I was cheerleading. I wish it was more exciting, or even a video too! Like show both girls show Emily's team, just something. Our Voice Now is a podcast is a group that talks about different things and I think that I would listen to it again. But I wouldn't put it on my IPhone. It just isn't that important to me.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Exercise Three

Lyndon State Welcomes The Vermont Symphony Orchestra

The Vermont Symphony Orchestra is coming back to Lyndon State College at the end of September, playing some older, well-known music and brand new music as well. Music by the Vermont Symphony Orchestra

On September 26, at 7:30 p.m. the Vermont Symphony Orchestra will be holding a concert in the Alexander Twilight Theater, here at Lyndon State College. The title of this concert is Made In Vermont Music Festival: Lyndon State College. Lyndon State College

This year several of the amazing gifted players share in the spotlight with music by Vivaldi, Bach, and Mozart. This year there will be an addition to it's still growing library of new Vermont made music by composers, a commission by Andrew Massey titled "Vermont Spring."

Conductor Jamie Laredo will be conducting this year and have solos as well. Others to perform will be Nancy Dimock, playing the oboe, Jamie Laredo, on violin, Janet Polk, bassoon, and Albert Brouwer, flute.

LSC is fourth in their line up of places this orchestra will visit this year. Tickets go on sale beginning on August 23, 2013 at Flynn Tix; you can find the direct link at the Vermont Symphony Orchestra

Monday, September 9, 2013

Writing for the Web Two

A Year Later the Bridge Over Roaring Creek is Open Again 

After 75 years of standing over Roaring Creek the bridge was washed away from a flood last year, leaving about $700,000 in costs to fix the well known landmark in the area. Another Bridge Opening Ceremony

Last year a flood washed away the 75 year old bridge over Roaring Creek. Since then the County has been working on getting it fixed quickly for those who used it everyday. 

They cost of the bridge to fix it was $700,000. The county paid $100,000; the state paid $200,000; and the U.S. Department of Transportation funds were $400,000.

The wash away of the bridge became an inconvenience to many of the people who used to travel it everyday. One Oak Grove resident, Josh Spiva, found it very inconvenient:"Traveling all that way way has made it very inconvenient for a lot of people. We've had to use a lot of time and gasoline just to make what otherwise would be very short trips. Having this bridge erected so quickly is a blessing."  

After a year of no bridge over Roaring Creek, the bridge was officially opened this morning, at 11 a.m., during a ceremony. Some who attended the ceremony were, Midville Major Seth Montana, U.S. Congressman Nancy Draughorn, and United States Senator Warren Johns.  

Multimedia Exercise

Man Dies of Heart Attack After Vehicle Goes Through A Window Next to Him

John Barker was trying to help Annie Coulter out of her vehicle after her brakes gave way and she went through the Central Restaurant, where he was eating a meal. He was trying to help her out when he collapsed and died of a heart attack. Another Chevrolet car crash through restaurant window

At 12:31 pm today, Annie Coulter, of Barton Vt., was operating a vehicle when she tried to move out of the way of a pedestrian. As she swerved to miss the pedestrian her brakes failed and she went crashing through the window of the Central Restaurant on Depot Street in Lyndonville, Vt. 

A man by the name of John Barker, of Concord Vt., was sitting in the restaurant at the time of the accident. He was not hit by the vehicle, but did receive a few cuts from the glass that had shattered at the time of the accident. 

Barker then tried to go help Coulter. While trying to get her out of the vehicle he started to complain about pains coming from his chest, he then collapsed and died because of a heart attack. 

Coulter received a few minor injuries from the accident. 

Exercise Two

Man Robs at Gunpoint, No Injuries

Today, December 7, 2013 at 1:15 am, a male robbed a Hometown Sunoco at gunpoint. 

The male is described as white and somewhere between 5'8 and 6'00. The man was alone and after robbing the building left on foot with cash and other items. 

The police have no other leads at this time. There will be a follow-up investigation.

If the public has anything to add please contact the Vermont State Police in Saint Albans 802-524-5993 or the Franklin County Sheriff's Office at 802-524-2121. 

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Man & Tree Shot, But Where's The Bear

Conrad Masse and Wayne Goff were out bear hunting together on October 20, 2013 when Goff spotted the bear and proceeded to shot three times; one hitting the bear, one hitting a nearby tree, and one hitting Goff.

While Masse and Goff were trying to hunt a bear together they split up on different sides of the road, waiting for the bear to come out of the woods. When the bear come out Masse opened fire three times one hitting Goff.

Goff was taken to the hospital after being shot through the middle, into the pelvic, and has been released on stable conditions. No news on the outcome of the bear.

Masse was served a citation to appear in the Orleans Superior Court on February 28, 2014, being charged on the count of Aggravated Assault. He was also issued a ticket, from Fish and Game, for shooting on the road, having a loaded rifle in his vehicle, and not having proper display of permits for bear hunting.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

A Look at Another Cheerleading Blog
The moment I first clicked on this blog I was excited. It had my attention at the first picture of a cheerleader from Oregon, Stephanie is her name and her picture really grabs your attention. But the whole blog is just that, pictures. I mean a few words here and there but other than that it is just pictures of cheerleaders. And because it is just pictures I am not sure if I like the blog or dislike it. I love looking at cheerleaders, seeing how each and everyone of them is different, I LOVE looking at all the different uniforms. They are all different and unique. But I just wish it had a little more words.
The blog itself is updated everyday with countless more pictures adding to it. I can tell that there are a few people who comment on the pictures and it shows people are looking, but because they are pictures I feel like more people only look at the pictures and there is not much to comment on. Just about how so and so likes the uniforms but nothing really else. 
Other than all that, I love this blog. :)

Sunday, September 1, 2013

My Blog :)

When it came to designing my blog I chose something that is colorful and different. I like the color blue and pink. I think both are pretty cool. I chose strips in my background because i loved the way the design looks. I changed though all of the colors the design originally had because I wanted my favorite colors in there. I think it looks like me, it looks like a cheerleader.